red dot award
For The PowerTower

Image Flyer

red dot design award winner 2011 Logo: DIE NEUDENKER® Agency, Darmstadt

Mailing, Image Flyer for Cadventure

Awarded! From the idea to the red dot ...

Brigitta Fiesel - managing owner of cadventure, the engineering office for 3D CAD services - commissioned DIE NEUDENKER® to create something very special for a mailing campaign to develop.

We invented the PowerTower.

The flyers build a playful bridge between the 2nd and 3rd dimension: By simply putting them together, the flyers create an impressive 3D-skyline, which presents the service areas of cadventure - data management, CAD-consulting and building acquisition. A transparent banderole holds the three flyers together and leaves room for a handwritten personal message.

For our work we, Stephan Ruh and Simone Stenger, received the red dot design award 2011 and were awarded the German Design Award Nominee 2013.

Find out more in our Blog post!


More Projects for Cadventure

Power Tower, image flyer for cadventure, reddot german design award winner: DIE NEUDENKER® agency, Darmstadt
Corporate Design, Power Tower Mailing for cadventure: DIE NEUDENKER® Agency, Darmstadt
Mailing for cadventure data management: DIE NEUDENKER® Agency, Darmstadt
Corporate Design, Flyer Power Tower for cadventure: DIE NEUDENKER® Agency, Darmstadt
Communication Design, Flyer Power Tower, reddot design award winner 2011, Simone and Stephan: DIE NEUDENKER® Web Design Agency, Darmstadt

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