10.06.2013 | Work

Go-ahead: The HBM Image Brochure Goes to Press

Image brochure for hbm in print: DIE NEUDENKER® Agency, Darmstadt

It is always an overwhelming feeling when ideas become reality. When a layer of paint is layered on top of a layer of paint, printed sheet after printed sheet, then the hearts of designers and customers beat faster. Now it's time again: The new image brochure for HBM is going to print.

More than just printing ink and UV varnish

There are projects that are unique - that must be unique. The result in our hands is more than a brochure, more than ink and UV varnish on a selected paper. It is the image of the soul of a company. That is image.

Such projects can only succeed if everyone works together. Management, marketing, creative and production.

Title page of the hbm image brochure: The NEUDENKER® Agency, Darmstadt
Image brochure for hbm: DIE NEUDENKER® Agency, Darmstadt
Image brochure for hbm: DIE NEUDENKER® Agency, Darmstadt




Stephan Ruh
